Megger TM1800 Circuit Breaker Analyser
Megger TM1800 effective tools for determining the status of circuit breakers.
Megger TM1800 - Maximise Uptime / Drive Costs Down
Megger are a world leader in cable test, diagnostic and fault location solutions. Featuring ground breaking performance, robustness and ease-of-use, Megger‘s cable test products are designed to give you faster, more accurate results. They find cable faults that other instruments cannot.
High voltage circuit breakers are extremely important for the function of modern electric power supply systems. The breaker is the active link that ultimately has the role of quickly opening the primary circuit when a fault has occurred. Many times, the breaker has to perform its duty within a few milliseconds, after months, perhaps years of idly standing by. Since RCM and condition based maintenance have become the established strategies for most owners and operators of electric power supply systems, the need for reliable and accurate field test instruments is obvious.
In line with the Megger product line tradition, the TM1800 Circuit Breaker Analyser System is portable and rugged, making it suitable for use in any type of environment. The concept is a flexible, modular system that can be easily configured for any type of circuit breaker.
▶ Video: Megger TM1800 Circuit Breaker Dual Ground Application

Megger TM1800 Key Features:
- Modular - User configurable with 9 different modules
- Built-in CABA Local software
- Advance tests
- Predefined breaker test plans/templates
- On-site measurement view
- Analysis
- DualGround tests - DCM module for increased safety with both sides of breaker grounded
- Fast, easy testing - Select-Connect-Inspect workflow and high level user interface
- Graphical results - Quick interpretation of timing and motion measurements, coil currents
- USB and ethernet interface - Quick back up, LAN connection and printer options
- CABA Win - Advanced data analysis, database interface and common test data archive
Have A More Complex Transmission Set-Up?
Distribution circuit breakers with one contact per phase and one operating mechanism can easily be tested. Transmission circuit breakers often have a more complex design with several contacts per phase and separate operating mechanisms. Even here, TM1800 is fully capable of capturing any parameter. For example, when testing circuit breakers with pre-insertion resistor (PIR) contacts, the TM1800 automatically measures timing of the main and PIR contacts, as well as the resistance value of the pre-insertion resistor. TM1800 has a straightforward and user-friendly interface, CABA Local. The display is an 8-inch trans-reflective screen that enhances the use in direct sunlight. The user interface, CABA Local, has been designed to facilitate setup and analysis. There are, for example, integrated help functions that guides the user throughout the testing. Special efforts have also been made to reduce the number of connecting leads required. Furthermore, many functions have been automated to reduce the number of manual exercises and circuit breaker operations required to perform a test. As a result, the training needed to use the TM1800 to its full extent is minimised and the time to carry out actual tests is minimal.
▶ Video: Megger CABA LOCAL Circuit Breaker Software